Date posted: 16th Dec 2021
We receive many calls from clients asking whether a letter they have received from HMRC is correct. This could be a change in PAYE code, a refund notice or a demand for tax.
Sadly, in a lot of cases, HMRC, to save postage costs, have only sent the paperwork to the taxpayer rather than us as authorised agent. So we would encourage all of our clients to forward on any paperwork that they receive from HMRC, as soon as possible after receipt, so that we can confirm it is correct.
Over the coming months HMRC will be issuing Self Assessment statements in relation to January 2022 tax bills and PAYE codes for 2022/23. If you receive such paperwork from HMRC, please do forward this to us. We will then advise of any appropriate actions to take.
If you have any queries regarding tax demands, HMRC letters etc, please contact us here