Date posted: 17th Mar 2022
If you have previously not claimed full tax relief for say gift aid donations or pension contributions, then in most circumstances, you have four years to make a claim for tax relief.
Therefore if you are entitled to higher rate tax relief on pension contributions for the year to 5 April 2018, you must make a claim by 5 April 2022.
Claims can be made for (not exhaustive):
- Personal pension contributions.
- Charitable gift aid donations.
- Professional fees and subscriptions including some union fees.
- Job related expenditure such as equipment bought for your employment.
- Business mileage paid at less than the HMRC authorised rates.
- Costs of travelling to temporary workplaces.
- Marriage allowance or blind persons allowances.
- Working from home tax relief.
In addition, if you have made an error or mistake on a previous tax return, you have a similar timeframe to correct the error or mistake.
If you need assistance, please give us a call.