Yearly Archives: 2025

Starting a business as a sol...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

When starting a business, there are various decisions to make and tasks to perform.

One of the first questions to address is whether to run the business as a sole trader, whether to set up a partnership with others or whether to form a company.

Starting a business as a sole trader

HMRC are recruiting – what d...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

It is understood that HMRC are recruiting 5,000 more tax officials over the next five years to help reduce the “tax gap.

HMRC are recruiting – what does this mean?

Member’s voluntary liquidati...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

The end of the tax year is approaching and there are planned changes to capital gains tax rates from 6 April 2025

Member’s voluntary liquidations – watch for the “phoenix rules”!

Due to receive a bonus? – w...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

A lot of businesses will pay high performing employees a year-end bonus before the end of the tax year.

Due to receive a bonus?  – watch for the 60% tax trap!

Over one million tax returns...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

We understand that an estimated 1.1 million taxpayers did not file their 2023/24 tax returns by the due date of 31 January 2025.

Over one million tax returns were filed late – HMRC due a windfall!

Academy Trusts face ‘myriad ...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

Academy trusts in England continue to face growing financial pressures, with rising staff costs and demand for special educational needs (SEND) provisions among the key challenges for the sector, according to a report published by Kreston UK, a leading global network of accounting firms.

Academy Trusts face ‘myriad of challenges’ and growing financial pressures, according to benchmark report into the sector

Yorkshire Shadow MPC Februar...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

The Shadow MPC is a partnership between Clive Owen LLP and The York Press, which considers the region’s economy and invites business figures to argue their case for a shift, or hold, in the rate.

Yorkshire Shadow MPC February 2025

Continued growth at Clive Ow...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

One of the North’s leading independent accountancy and business advisory practices has continued to strengthen its Newcastle office following the appointment of an experienced director. Clive Owen LLP…

Continued growth at Clive Owen LLP’s Newcastle office

York accountancy firm urges ...

Event date: 1st Jan 1970

Leading independent accountancy firm Clive Owen LLP is urging businesses to consider the implications of significant changes to accounting regulations announced by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC).

York accountancy firm urges businesses to consider significant changes coming to financial reporting


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