We have used Clive Owen LLP since February 2016, which is when we were incorporated. They originally acted as both our external and internal auditors. Since the financial year 2020/21, they have acted solely as our external auditors.
They have also worked with us providing auditing services for teachers’ pensions and external grant assurance services.
Our organisation needs to ensure it complies with the Academy Trust Handbook. The work that we undertake with Clive Owen LLP enables us to achieve this requirement.
Through the audit process, Clive Owen LLP helps us to improve our performance and our processes. This ensures we are compliant and able to support our schools more effectively. As our auditors, they highlight and acknowledge our strengths and support us where we have areas for development.
I would recommend using Clive Owen LLP. Not only are their processes thorough, robust and timely but they are also they helpful and supportive. As our auditors, they are more than happy to answer ad hoc queries as they arise throughout the year.
Carolyn Dent – Bishop Chadwick Education Trust