With plenty of secure parking onsite, it’s a 5-minute drive to Dragonville Retail Park with an array of shops if you want to head out at lunch time.
It is also well serviced by a mobile coffee van serving great coffee and treats. The team are also always bringing in home baked treats to share.
We regularly do community support initiatives such as the Macmillan Coffee Morning and foodbank collections. There is also a sustainability group looking at how we can be more socially responsible within the firm.
There is an active social committee which is always canvassing the team for fun ideas. We have done the Race for Life, climbed Helvellyn and done bowling and Bongos Bingo to name a few social activities.
Open Mon-Fri 8:30AM - 5PM
Kepier House
County Durham
T.0191 3842244
E. durham@cliveowen.com