Event date: 13th Jul 2020
TIME: 14:00 – 16:00pm
BOOK NOWChris Beaumont, Partner and Kevin Shotton, Partner from Clive Owen LLP will provide an update on:
- The sector
- The Academies Accounts Direction (AAD)
- The Academies Financial Handbook (AFH)
- Internal audit
- Impact of Covid – 19
- The Covid – 19 specific AAD/Bulletin (if released)
Chris and Kevin work with over 45 Academy Trusts across the North East and Yorkshire advising them on various financial issues and have spoken at various NASBM and SNE events. Chris attends the regular ESFA auditor forum meetings in London.
Mark Davis from Blue Apple Education will then provide some useful hints, tips and lessons learned about marketing your school & communicating (internal and external) during Covid.
Mark is a Director at Blue Apple Education, a creative design company who specialise in providing marketing & communication support to education providers on subject matter such as:
- Website
- Prospectus
- Promotional Video’s
- Photography
- Logos and Branding
- Marketing Planning & Support