Kevin Shotton

Joint Managing Partner

Darlington, Durham, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, York

Call 07867 355552

Career history
Qualified with Clive Owen LLP in 2005 before moving to Ernst and Young in 2006 to ‘experience’ the Big 4. Missing the close client interaction, I returned to Clive Owen in 2012 as a Director and was made Partner in April 2015.

BA (Hons), FCA

Experience and expertise
I head up the firm’s audit department as the Audit Compliance Partner. I ensure that clients receive a high quality, efficient service for their compliance work, whilst also ensuring I act as a sounding board for any issues clients are facing. I work with clients in a variety of sectors including retail, oil and gas, education and technology.

Professional memberships/directorships
Membership: ICAEW
Directorships: St Johns College Durham, Yarm School

Corporate social responsibility
Through my position on the above charitable organisations. I have also done various events to raise funds for charities, such as the coast to coast cycle ride.

Career highlights
In the early stage of my career I was fortunate enough to win a variety of prizes for exam performance and be nominated for trainee accountant of the year.
Since then I have spent time on secondment at a newly listed plc which opened my eyes to being on the other side of the audit process!

Did you always want to be an accountant?
After the realisation set in that I wasn’t going to be able to make a career as a professional sportsman, accountancy was the logical choice as I had always enjoyed maths and working with numbers.

Hobbies and interests
I used to be a very keen sportsman and still try to run and play football when I’m not injured! I enjoy keeping active with the family and have been known to enjoy the odd drink to relax.


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