Simon Hook

Joint Managing Partner

Darlington, Durham, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, York

Call 0191 3842244

Career history
I trained and qualified with Clive Owen LLP in 2004 and then became a Partner in 2013.

BA (Hons), FCCA

Experience and expertise
I have significant experience with owner managed business clients both including year end accounts prep, tax planning and audit services.

I have a considerable amount of clients within the transport and haulage sectors.

Professional memberships/directorships
Membership: ACCA

Career highlights
Progressing from trainee to partner within the same firm and being part of helping the partnership significantly grow in that time.

Did you always want to be an accountant?
Once the dream of becoming a professional footballer ended at an early age then I looked for a career that provided challenges and a varied working day and accountancy has certainly fitted that.

Hobbies and interests
I enjoy watching all sports instead of playing these days.


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