Every management team has an opinion about financial forecasting with regards to the short, medium and long term.
However, having the ability to formalise those thoughts is a different matter. Many business owners have been in the situation where some significant expenditure is planned on one project or another. Inevitably, this results in a facility being required from the bank.
It is better in times of need to prepare in advance, rather than borrowing from a financial provider. This is because immediate support can be available. Furthermore, a grant may also be available to allow you to finance future projects.
By engaging with us it can offer a range of benefits to a business. Ultimately, you can help to improve your businesses bottom line and help focus forward thinking.
What can we offer you?
- Preparation of forecasts, using our fully integrated financial model. Also, a full follow up with the financial provider
- An independent and objective review of your forecasts. Liaison with a bank/provider of finance on your behalf. Specialist knowledge combined with an understanding of your commercial environment
- Assistance with design, application and ongoing monitoring of forecast figures to finalised management accounts
- Preparation of business plans. Significantly, for a new or established business undergoing a new project or refinancing, business plans are often required
- Guidance on the focus of the business. Correspondingly, assistance in ensuring that management and staff are working in the same direction
What does this mean to you?
- Increased confidence. We work with you to focus on a successful outcome
- Improved information. Overall, you have a clearer financial picture of the future of your business
- Saving of time. We can undertake the work on your behalf. Subsequently, this leaves you free to run your business
- Regular reviews of plans, with updated forecasts and detailed sensitivity analysis
- Ongoing proactive advice and guidance