Kreston Global












We are members of Kreston, a global network of independent accounting firms across the globe.

As a firm, we work side by side with clients to understand their ambitions and tackle their challenges. As a network, we’ve got the connections to bring the right knowledge to the table, whatever the challenge.

Kreston gives us access to a cohesive network with 170 member firms across 120 countries, membership effectively gives you access to top-quality advice and exceptional service wherever in the world you happen to do business.

As new markets develop and technology evolves, your business operates on an increasingly global scale, and when you’re branching out into the unknown, you can’t beat a bit of local knowledge. We can leverage our network of local contacts to shape international solutions that are right for you and your business.

Each Kreston member is an independent practice with sole responsibility for its own work, staff and clients. However, we have an awful lot in common too, so we are confident that our partner firms will offer you the same exceptional level of service wherever in the world they are.

Do you think like an Intrepreneur?

Kreston Global have launched a report and campaign that aims to understand what drives entrepreneurs to expand abroad. A survey was conducted with 600 business leaders across six countries including China and the United Kingdom.

The findings revealed more about the mindset of an Intrepreneur, the key targets they look to achieve and issues they may face as they look to expand. You can read an executive summary of the Interpreneuer Report here.

Considering doing Business in Europe?

Kreston Global have launched a magazine that provides you with all the information needed to set up business under European accounting and tax rules. Our experts are on hand to provide advice on this marketplace should you be considering this as an option. You can read the full magazine here.


Kreston member firms comply with the professional standards appropriate to their respective countries and adhere to the following international standards:

  • International Standards on Quality Control
  • International Standards on Auditing for the conduct of transnational
  • audits Code of ethics as issued by the IESBA

A globally coordinated quality monitoring and review programme supports member firms in the maintenance of these standards.


Read more about International Business here:


Forum of Firms

We are also members of the Forum of Firms, an association of international networks of accounting firms that promotes consistent and high-quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practice, offering peace of mind, should you need this service.


Clive Owen LLP is a member of Kreston Global which is the trading name of Kreston International, a global network of accounting firms, each of which is a separate independent legal entity and as such has no liability for the acts or omissions of any other member firm. Kreston International is registered in England (No: 3453194) at 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR and is a limited company by guarantee. Kreston International Limited provides no services to clients and has no liability for the acts or omissions of any member firm.


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